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How should AIFMs report Optional Fields?

Optional fields must be reported if the AIFM has information to report.

Relevant questions from the ESMA AIFMD Q&A:

Question 21 [last update 27 June 2014]:

The technical guidance indicates for each information item whether the information is mandatory (M), optional (O) or conditional (C). What do these categories mean?

Answer 21:

Information marked as mandatory should be reported by all AIFMs. Information marked as optional has to be reported if the AIFM has information to report. For example, question 10 of the reporting template (change in AIF reporting obligation frequency code) is marked as optional. This means that AIFMs should report this information if the reporting code has changed compared to the previous reporting. Information marked as conditional is linked to other information (flags) in the reporting template. If those flags are answered with “Yes”, the corresponding conditional information has to be reported. However, if those flags are answered with “No”, the corresponding conditional information should not be reported. For example, if the question 41 (master feeder flag) is answered with “Yes”, AIFMs should indicate in field 42 the name of the master AIFs.

The Matterhorn software automatically takes care of the linked flags mentioned above. When using our software, it is not necessary to enter values for linked flags.

Question 78 [last update 02 December 2015]:

Is information on liquidity profile mandatory or optional (questions 178 to 192 of the reporting template for AIF-specific information)?

Answer 78:

This information is mandatory.

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